Happy Super Bowl Sunday, everyone! Nothing spells "Super Bowl", like new curtains and a new ceiling fan! Yep, that's right...my AMAZING, AWESOME DH worked all of yesterday and part of this morning, putting up curtains and hanging a new light and fan. We NEEDED new curtains...the other would not have made it through one more washing.
Here is the "BEFORE"
The bed was a wedding gift 39 years ago from my parents. We are using this bed in one of the guest rooms. |
Here is the "AFTER"
The vintage bed belonged to my parents. They recently gave it to us, and I adore it! |
This pretty wooden folding screen was a $15.00 garage sale find. |
- I thought I might use a bit of a "bird" theme in the Master Bedroom for a while. It reminds me that spring is not too far away.
These sweet little chippies send a springtime message. |
Don't you just love Botanical prints! |
The total cost on the re-do was only, $212.00! The new curtains and Alabaster glass fan made a big impact for minimal cost. Most important, Vinnie approves! | |
Have a fun day, today...count your blessings...love your family...and thank your Lord.