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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Changing it up a bit....

Today, dawned gray and rather bleak.  I NEEDED just a touch of SPRING in my house.  So the hunt began, downstairs and upstairs....and here is what I found.

I purchased the poppy arrangement a year or so ago..and just realized I had a matching tray downstairs!

Don't you LOVE IT when a plan comes together!

I was thinking the snack bar could use a "change up" too.

I was on a roll, so adding some ivy to the Angels made me feel like SPRING!

Now, I am shaking those Winter Blues off my shoes!
So, this is just a start of SPRING...and yes, I know there is a ton of winter left...but for now..this will have to do.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Mini room re-do.

Happy Super Bowl Sunday, everyone!  Nothing spells "Super Bowl", like new curtains and a new ceiling fan!  Yep, that's AMAZING, AWESOME DH worked all of yesterday and part of this morning, putting up curtains and hanging a new light and fan.   We NEEDED new curtains...the other would not have made it through one more washing.

Here is the "BEFORE"

The bed was a wedding gift 39 years ago from my parents. We are using this bed in one of the guest rooms.

Here is the "AFTER"

The vintage bed belonged to my parents. They recently gave it to us, and I adore it!

This pretty wooden folding screen was a $15.00 garage sale find.

  • I thought I might use a bit of a "bird" theme in the Master Bedroom for a while.  It reminds me that spring is not too far away.

These sweet little chippies send a springtime message.

Don't you just love Botanical prints!
The total cost on the re-do was only, $212.00!   The new curtains and Alabaster glass fan made a big impact for minimal cost. Most important, Vinnie approves!
 Have a fun day, today...count your your family...and thank your Lord.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Just a bit more elegant...

Good morning everyone.  After cleaning house this morning, I decided to kick it up a notch and make things a bit more elegant.   If you know me...I am not really elegant...or even graceful...but I thought my home might be, for awhile at least.  And yes, my windows are open in's 60* in St. Louis today.  The birds are singing like it is spring, so I am going to enjoy every minute of this lovely amazing weather.

I added a white linen tablecloth under the table runner.    
I brought in the foyer lamp into the dinning room for a quick change.  I think it looks nice in here.