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Monday, November 14, 2011

10 more days til Thanksgiving.

There are just 10 more days until Thanksgiving.  This year, I am simplifying my holidays, both of them.  I am saying NO, to "overdoing", stress, and overly high expectations.  This year I am focusing on abundance in my life...and yes, I have abundance in family, friends, and many aspects of my life.  This year I am walking through the malls slower, and I am steadying my heart thus allowing it to beat at a  slower pace.  So as we begin our journey into the Holidays...focus on what is important,


Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Great post and yes, we all need to do this. Thanks for the reminder. Hugs, Marty said...

Sage advice! This has become my mantra in recent years. Life is chaotic and stressful enough. We don't need to add to it with absurd expectations on holiday celebrations. All that's needed is a heart filled with joy and our loved ones nearby.

Happy and blessed Thanksgiving!

Cass @ That Old House said...

Simplifying sounds good ... except for the food at Thanksgiving; if I don't pull out all the stops, I'll have family mutiny on my hands!

For years, I pick a day before each holiday, and mark it as my "Enough" day -- what is not done by that day doesn't get done, and the holiday comes anyway, and all is well.

Enjoying it is much more important than trying to make it "perfect."

Thanks for entering the DISH giveaway today! Good luck -- Cass