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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Wee Wednesdays! GIRLS ONLY!

Welcome to our special "WEE WEDNESDAYS"!  
Today's post is simply ALL GIRLS!  Having eight granddaughters and not a boy insight..makes all this PINK POSSIBLE!
Yard sale find $1.00 for this vintage picture.
So sit back and enjoy...being a girl of any age!

This picture is our now, 1 yr. old twins..Ms. Maya and Ms. Macy.  This adorable photo was taken by Lisa Lawson Photography.  Lisa does awesome work!

The picture below was purchased at a local resale shop...$9.00 I love the matting and subject, it just fit perfectly~

Amish girl and her cat.
Two christening dresses, oh my girls are really getting big. The girls wore the flowered wreath on their little heads.
A vintage water color from GW! $.99
And just in case you get lost in the sea of PINK, we've got a Handbook!
I am so glad you stopped by for a peak at "some" of my girly things.  So, if you are wondering "what is that woman going to do with all those girls?".....the answer is simple.."love them, love them, love them!"


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