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Monday, October 31, 2011

getting ready for the cloche party!

I am so excited to be going to the cloche party!  It's my first time!  I know, the party will be a ton of fun.  Here are my "attempts" at a seasonal cloche.  Don't be too hard on me...I'm a newbie!! 
Let's get this party started!!!

I wanted this cloche to be very special, seeing it is my first.  So, I started out with my Great great grandfather's journal...notice the date?  1870!   I opened the journal up so you could see inside.

                                                    Next added a sterling silver pen.

                                 Then I added a burl wood hand carved cross and a few leaves.

And there you have very first cloche!  Isn't she just stunning?
Now, that was so much fun..I just have to make another.

The next cloche is an iron type cloche.  I love the openness a rustic qualities of this cloche.  My DH, went to the store on Saturday and bought me my new pilgrims.  They are now aptly names, "John and Marsha P. Pilgrim".   The hand painted bright orange poppy tray was a garage sale find for $1.00!  Don't you just love it!! 
Thank you for stopping in the morning!! Happy Cloche Party!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

It's Home Tour Saturday!

Happy Saturday everyone!  In St. Louis we are still so excited , with the CARDINALS winning the World Series!  It is crisp and beautiful this morning,...55* right now!  It thought you might enjoy a "walk thru" as I prepare for Thanksgiving with warming touches all over our home.  So sit back and enjoy...stay awhile :).

Here we are in the master bedroom, I have switched the spread to our warm and cozy winter weight spread.  Added a table runner...yes, a table runner toward the bottom of the bed.  I saw this done at JC Pennys in their linen I thought I would try it!  Isn't it just grand!!

Removing the light linen table cover and replacing it with a deep rued cover made the room feel much cozier.

                          Yes and I am a bit crazy about tassels....oh, don't worry there's more!

Adding an extra coverlet makes the "grandgirls room" ready for winter.  Don't you just love how the way the fall sunshine has changed it's direction and is highlighting different areas in your home.

                                                I warned you ...there are more tassels!

                                 In the dinning room I chose a fall tablecloth for a warmer feel.

                                                                Yes, there's more!

                                        This lovely pillow was a GW find! $.99! love that!

             Mr. Owl book..just looked so cute on the ottoman.  Marty over at  "A Stroll Though Life"    had the awesome idea of using scarfs draped on tables...isn't she amazing!!

                      Using statues I found at GW this summer really adds warmth to this end table.

      I just had to add a bit of whimsy to today's home tour.  I hope you enjoyed being with me today!
I know it was a pleasure to have you in our home.


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sunshine in my soul, today!

Is there sunshine in your soul today?  I sure hope so!
Today I am featuring my once dark staircase.

that is a title of an old church that!

Isn't she just precious. Her patina is a dark brown in all her little curves and cracks.

 You know me..always out in the yard "shopping" for sticks and dead stuff :)
The display adds some wonderful texture to the grouping.

On the other side of the stairwell, is this lovely tree painting, which was purchased at HOMEGOODS for $7.00...the hanger was loose on the back, and easy fix. 
I love that place...I can get so lost in that store, my family has to call in the search dogs to find me.

Remember I said it was dark...well...not any longer, since DH installed track lightening.  All that light really opened up this dim area!

If there are any "dim and dark areas" in your life...shed light
on them...HIS light! If you do , there will indeed be, "SONSHINE" in your soul today!


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Brown transfer pretty!

In childhood...I hated brown...BUT... I am all grownup now and BROWN is a favorite!
Today I wanted to share with you some of my brown transfer ware.  My most treasured piece, belonged to my grandmother Grace Hoit. She placed many a turkey or roast on the lovely old platter.  I carries with it stains from meals gone by.  It is priceless to my heart.

 Here are two bargain pitchers from MARSHALL'S..they were each $3.99! Don't you just love a bargain?  They really look antique, don't they?  Let's keep our bargain a bit of a secret!

 The back stamp on the lovely lady is German.  I know she is made of ironstone and is very heavy. I purchased her on EBAY, for more money than I will admit too. This might be a secret too. :) If you filled it with tea or milk, I really don't think you could lift it!

                         They are perfect for fall, don't you think? 

            Well, now you have met all the "Majestic Brown Ladies."
Find beauty in your surroundings, search it's there. Beauty in everyday things.  Just look with a thankful heart, and I promise you will find it!


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Coffee table in the livingroom is full of surprises!

Today I chose to rearrange my coffee table.  First thing, I added was a table runner.  Then atop that I added an old arrangement of vines, added two sunflowers and some twisted sticks from my yard.

                                        This plate just seemed to really speaks the truth.

                                                Don't you just love the pop of color!!

                       This Bible has been in our family for generations. The crystal grapes
                     look lovely laying on top of the word. The hand carved wooden cross was
                                     a girt from my sweet daughter-in-love Sarah Elizabeth.

                      Saturday while going to garage sales, I stumble upon this darling little
  caviar server.  It cost $2.00!  Sterling silver and just stunning! You can lift the lid to find a cut glass
dish...when the YUCKY..I mean delicious stuff goes..ewwwww. Anyway it looked awesome on the table.

                                                  It's it just so delicate and pretty!

                                    The lid flips open, and I think that makes it unusual. Don't you?

And there you have it...a remake of my coffee table. Isn't funny how little things can just make your heart happy?  I hope you have a happy heart kind of day!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Amazing Treasure on our Saturday morning hunt!

Saturday morning dawned cool and crisp, my DH, Wayne asked me..."ya want to go "garaging?"  I took my last swig of yummy coffee (with coffeemate pumpkin pie creamer)...and we were on our way.  

The first stop was a HUGE score! We purchased a beveled glass and iron  sofa table, with two matching end tables...yes, both with the same stunning beveled glass.  How much did we pay for them you ask....*drum roll please*.....$20.00! Can you believe it??!!!!! $20.00!!! Lord have mercy...I could have carried those tables home of my back if it were needed!! LOL!

                                isn't she a beauty? look at the fancy ironwork!

                                        What a great place to put my Father's old song book!

                                                         Oh, yes...I'm in love~

                                        End table number one with a picture of my sweet mom and daddy.

                   End table number two, with a pitcher from my Jewel Tea Dishes collection.

Then our very next stop...sitting in the morning dewy grass..there she sat.  She was a bit dusty, and sad looking. Lonely looking really...but when our eyes was love at first sight. And yes, I am speaking about a chair...a small elegant chair...just right for our "little girls room" for our granddaughters.  She won't be lonely any longer.  She cost a whole $3.00~  My sweet DH, is going to reupholster her as soon as we find just the fabric.

                                her fabric is a bit worn, but still very lovely.

After a good bath, and tightening of her legs...

A darling little pillow, that was just her size, and she was perfect.  The sweet little cream color pillow with fancy edging was found at Thrift for a mere $0.99!

                         Such a darling little pillow, with lots of detail..for pennies!

What a treasure hunt...and what awesome rewards!!
Total cost for our day of delightful hunting...$23.00!
Thank you for coming over to see my new (old) treasures, I sure enjoyed your stay!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Dinning room table re-do...

This lovely autumn day is too beautiful for words to express.  Wanting to keep with this lovely theme, I changed up the centerpiece in our dinning room, using only what I had in the house and yard.  Cost $0.00! Isn't it grand!

                              This is last weeks  centerpiece.
                                             This is the before...

                                       This is the after....

                            How do you like my "leafy" light?

I had so much fun "playing house" today!  Thank you for sharing this fun with me.  
Have an awesome weekend!  Get outside and enjoy!