As I promised yesterday...we are headed to the basement. I have made a few optical illusions to make this NOT look like a basement. When we moved into the house, we took a 1950s LARGE mirror out of the living room, and took it downstairs. We then turned it on it's end and "made a window" ...put some drapes around it and WHA..LA, a window. The oval mirror I found on the clearance aisle at Garden Ridge for $3.00! The shelf underneath it, was found the same day for $12.00! One of my favorite things in our home is the picture of the tree on the easel, (our daughter Sarah Grace bought it for us while we were going thru a difficult time) below the tree it says, "be still and know that I am God". I took a simple art light and placed it on frame...and it really makes a focal point.
The old oil painting of the winter scene, just looks so cozy. The frame is heavy and a bit ornate.
Well, "thank you" for coming downstairs with me.
I hope you enjoy your visit today. My 5 month old kitten, Mr. Vinnie, was so happy he had his picture on the blog today!
dropping by from Marty's Tabletop party. I absolutely love the picture on the easel. I have seen it before. I am your newest follower. Joining you at the party. Love the name of your blog!
oh thank you ms. karen! i am so glad you are a new follower...i will try not to disappoint! i love going to marty's house!! she is amazing!!
here is a big old hug and welcome!!
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