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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sunshine in my soul, today!

Is there sunshine in your soul today?  I sure hope so!
Today I am featuring my once dark staircase.

that is a title of an old church that!

Isn't she just precious. Her patina is a dark brown in all her little curves and cracks.

 You know me..always out in the yard "shopping" for sticks and dead stuff :)
The display adds some wonderful texture to the grouping.

On the other side of the stairwell, is this lovely tree painting, which was purchased at HOMEGOODS for $7.00...the hanger was loose on the back, and easy fix. 
I love that place...I can get so lost in that store, my family has to call in the search dogs to find me.

Remember I said it was dark...well...not any longer, since DH installed track lightening.  All that light really opened up this dim area!

If there are any "dim and dark areas" in your life...shed light
on them...HIS light! If you do , there will indeed be, "SONSHINE" in your soul today!



CosmoGirl Carla said...

Great quote! The little cherub is darling, and looks like you snagged a steal with that Home Goods print. Thanks for sharing! Have a wonderful weekend.

Diann said...

Wonderful quote. It all looks so pretty~! and I love that picture you bought at Home Goods! Thank your for joining TTF and I hope you are having a great weekend!

Unknown said...

Lovely! :) Your little cherub is sitting so perfectly. :)


The Charm of Home said...

Very nice! Thank you for linking it to Home Sweet Home!