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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Goodwill FIND! not sure what it is..but I love it!

I spied this beauty at our local Goodwill!   The colors are a "rusty red", black, and gold.  It has an "Antique English" print on the outside. 

On the inside of the wooden case are dividers, and a wine bottle fits perfectly.  So, I am just seems like that it could be a wine carrier.
I didn't clean the inside of the case, because when you open it, I think it tells a story...all chippy, and worn.  Oh, how I wish it could talk, and tell me where it's been and what it has seen.   The handle is a thick brushed gold metal with a dark rubbed finish.

If you all have an ideas as to what this lovely old wooden box is for...please let me know! It looks stunning where ever I place it in our home.  The case is very versatile.
I think this is one of my Thrifty Treasures!   My DH, Wayne get's just as excited as I, when we find a treasure!  I do believe he shares  passion!
God bless you today,


Linda @ A La Carte said...

What a pretty box! I don't know what it is but glad you found it and that your Hubby like it also. Just found your blog! hugs, Linda

Sheets on the line, love in my heart. said...

Thanks Linda love your blog girl!