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Saturday, October 29, 2011

It's Home Tour Saturday!

Happy Saturday everyone!  In St. Louis we are still so excited , with the CARDINALS winning the World Series!  It is crisp and beautiful this morning,...55* right now!  It thought you might enjoy a "walk thru" as I prepare for Thanksgiving with warming touches all over our home.  So sit back and enjoy...stay awhile :).

Here we are in the master bedroom, I have switched the spread to our warm and cozy winter weight spread.  Added a table runner...yes, a table runner toward the bottom of the bed.  I saw this done at JC Pennys in their linen I thought I would try it!  Isn't it just grand!!

Removing the light linen table cover and replacing it with a deep rued cover made the room feel much cozier.

                          Yes and I am a bit crazy about tassels....oh, don't worry there's more!

Adding an extra coverlet makes the "grandgirls room" ready for winter.  Don't you just love how the way the fall sunshine has changed it's direction and is highlighting different areas in your home.

                                                I warned you ...there are more tassels!

                                 In the dinning room I chose a fall tablecloth for a warmer feel.

                                                                Yes, there's more!

                                        This lovely pillow was a GW find! $.99! love that!

             Mr. Owl book..just looked so cute on the ottoman.  Marty over at  "A Stroll Though Life"    had the awesome idea of using scarfs draped on tables...isn't she amazing!!

                      Using statues I found at GW this summer really adds warmth to this end table.

      I just had to add a bit of whimsy to today's home tour.  I hope you enjoyed being with me today!
I know it was a pleasure to have you in our home.


1 comment:

klhmomof4 said...

I loved my "tour" and I loved your home....makes me want to grab a blankie, a book, and just settle in....absolutely beautiful, warm, and welcoming!