So sit back and enjoy a peek!
The first picture is oil on metal. I founds this at a flea market, for $7.00!
The second picture is of Jesus, it belonged to my grandmother Hoit. It hung in the foyer of that old Victorian house for years. This picture is precious to me.
The third picture is from Neiman Marcus with a tag on the back for @$225.99...I found it at a neighbor's garage sale..I offered $15.00 for it...and my neighbor said, "sold!" ...I passed out!! LOL!
Thank you for stopping to look and please come back tomorrow...we are headed into the family room!
Such great finds! It's so much more fun that way, isn't it?! I especially love the teacups :)
Thanks for your visit! I'm happy to have found your pretty blog.
Cheers, Andrea
thank you andrea..what a compliment coming for someone such as you. you are amazing!! i can't wait to see you blog daily!!
Aren't garage sales the best way to shop? Good finds!
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