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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Welcome to my first "WEE WEDNESDAY"

Welcome, to my first "WEE WEDNESDAY"!  So here's the scoop, every Wednesday we will take a peek at the small things that make life so wonderful!  Today we will be taking a look at a little "pieces of preciousness" :)

I know you will find this hard to believe, but this is an antique vaporizer! No....really it is!  It was common for homes to have one of these little beauties in the late 1800s.

this is the lamp.

this held the oil.

This is how it worked.  The base  was filled with oil, and pine tar was added to the small cup at the top.  Then this tiny lamp was lit.  There you have it, a "wee little" antique vaporizer.  How fun is that?!!!

I hope you enjoyed today's, "Wee Wednesday", and I just can't wait to show you our next  "Wee" little piece of preciousness! :)
Have a blessed day.


Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

How interesting. I love it. Such a unique piece. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Marty

Sheets on the line, love in my heart. said...

thanks so much marty! it means so much coming for you :) bless your heart!