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Saturday, October 8, 2011

A walk down memory lane....

One this lovely Indian Summer day I would love for you to take a walk with me.
The big old Victorian home belonged to my Grandmother Grace Hoit. She was such a fine Christian mother, and grandmother. She loved to cook, and she wasn't afraid to get her hands dirty. I spent so many magical hours playing in the old house. It had 3 floors..of which she rented the 2nd and 3rd floor. Single rooms...none of which had it's own bathroom. The bathroom was down the hall and shared by as many as 8 "roomers" as she called them.

The old "Autumn Leaf" patterned dishes were hers. She received them from the "Jewel Tea Company" as premiums for buying their tea and coffee. The old leather coin purse belonged to her..she called it, "God's purse"...she kept her church offerings inside it. It is so worn and soft. When I touch it..I can feel my grandmother...I miss her so.

The small picture is of my precious mother and father...who are still with me. God is so good!
Have a awesome weekend...and if you get time...take a walk down your own memory lane.

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